
Kubik Design

Delivering satisfying & reliable furniture services is no easy bussiness. Making people understand what type of furniture you offer as a manufacturer is key for the bussiness growth. Our team built the tailored platform for them to showcase their previous works and experience.

The product sheds light on their residential, commercial and interior design services aswell.


The Project

Beating the odds, they have started the company from scratch and grown it into a fully fledged furniture manufacturer.

And as they have evolved, their online needs have changed and grown, to the point where their good work needs to be presented & represented by their online presence.


The Challenge

Researching design examples that would suit their needs

– Deciding which platform would perform best at doing what we’ve set to do

– Finding design sollutions for the home, project, category page & the menu

Conceiving UX animations that would allow for a seamless transition between the projects


The sollution

– Mapping their needs in the design templates

– Custom coding the platform in Angular & TypeScript

– Implementing/coding the special UX animations

– Finding a design & back end implementation for the project page, that would allow different layouts based on the project complexity


Design & Development

Custom transition animations implemented in the project pages, for switching between projects and between project categories, with image & text previews

Custom animations for:

  • home page slides changing
  • displaying the menu items and categories

 Developed the custom backend interface for displaying all projects, categories and managing the content inside the pages (images, texts, layout)


Tools & Skills

– Angular
– Figma
– Photoshop / Photopea

– Coding (HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, Angular, TypeScript)
– Media (Photo & Video) Creation + Editing
– Design Research
– Digital Strategy
– Bussiness Consultance