
Davinci Dental

Rebuilt the online presence for one of the top dental clinics in the cities of Constanta and Bucharest, Romania.


The Project

Davinci provides their patients with top quality dentistry services. Their mission is to contribute as much as possible to a healthy happy life for their clients.

They’ve come to us looking to bring their online presence and user experience to the same level that their medical services are – and that is, top quality.

 Like most bussinesses, they had ideas about what should be done, but didn’t really know what to implement first and what was worth investing in.


The Challenge

– Bringing new clients from the online environment

– Creating a strong online identity, that can make their premium and reliable services clear to new clients. Building online brand awareness.

– Using their existing, year-old, strong offline social proof that was driving their bussiness to make their presence in the online space stand out just as good and be trustworthy to newcomers

– Defining the online marketing needs and objectives

– Understanding the UX (User Experience) gamechanging factors in the industry

– Creating a custom design tailored to their needs, based on factors like information, usability, visual flow, heatmap results and many more.


The sollution

– Developing a platform able to support scheduling, custom designed presentation pages and even e-commerce in the form of online payment of services

– Creating and implementing a marketing strategy designed to attract patients from both the high end and the low end of the services range, in order to balance out the spendings. In this industry, CPCs can be very expensive due to the high profit margins.

User experience behavioural flow ment to direct users from the homepage to the most profitable services, while also creating brand familiarisation and trust.


Design & Development

– Finding the right inspiration has been crucial to bringing the User Experience to a point where customers can navigate at ease while also having access to the relevant content in intuitive order.

– Using custom made icons has been a good sollution to turn scary medical interventions into mild & understandable actions

– Selecting friendly and positive images played an important role for creating comfort & trust in the user’s mind

– Services / Product pages have been customised to look good with many details and information, but without it aswell, since many of their services didn’t have a long description.



Showing off the beautifully designed clinic has been our first intention. Helps clients understand that they are receiving premium services.

After that, it made sense to display some of the most requested and profitable services, followed by the bestseller, along with the proper description.


Product Page

In the product page, customers get synthesised content in the form of top features , along with some short descriptions.

They can even pay in advance for the requested service, and / or schedule an appointment with their favorite doctor.



We have used multiple campaign types to engage and interact with the target audience.

By using A/B testing we have been able to tell what types of content and media work best and on what channels we have the best targeted and most cost-efficient audiences.

By analysing the results of our campaigns, we have been constantly updating and refining the strategy.


Tools & Skills

– Shopify (e-commerce)
– Figma
– Photoshop / Photopea

Skills: – Marketing Strategy – Design Research – Coding (Liquid, HTML 5, CSS 3, JS & jQuery) – Google Campaigns + Administration – Marketing Research – Bussiness Consultance