PR point system in Australia 2023 - 2024

b2ap3_thumbnail_pr-point-system-in-australia PR point system in Australia 2023 - 2024 | AECC

Given its high standard of living and potential growth opportunities, Australia has been one of the most desired destinations to migrate to. The multicultural country is disproportionately less populated in its vast area and it has been welcoming immigrants to fill the prevailing skill gaps across many industries. The country has a cap of 1,60,000 permanent residency (PR) visas per year and they are granted generally to skilled workers, their family members and foreign investors who invest in businesses in Australia.

What is meant by PR points in Australia? How many points are required for Australia PR? What are the requirements for Permanent Residency in Australia? How to increase PR points?

If you are planning to get an Australian PR, you will find this blog helpful. We have covered all the information related to the PR point system in Australia 2023-2024, including the Australia PR requirements, PR point system changes, points for skilled migration, how to get PR points in Australia, the best way to get PR in Australia, and much more. 

Which Visas Come Under the Category of Australian PR Visas?

There are three visas that come under the category of Australian PR visas. They are Skilled Work Regional 491 Visa (Provisional), Skilled Nominated 190 Visa (Permanent), and Skilled Independent 189 Visa (Permanent). A detailed explanation of them is given below.

  1. Skilled Work Regional 491 Visa (Provisional): The 491 Visa, or Skilled Work Regional 491 Visa (Provisional) enables eligible skilled workers and their families to live, work and study in designated regional areas of Australia for up to five years.
  2. Skilled Nominated 190 Visa (Permanent): The 190 Visa allows highly skilled workers who are nominated by an Australian Territory or State to live and work permanently in Australia.
  3. Skilled Independent 189 Visa (Permanent): The 189 Visa allows highly skilled workers who are not sponsored by the Australian State or Territory, an employer, or a family member to live and work permanently in Australia.

Criteria for Australian PR

The Australian PR is granted on the basis of a few points you need to get. There are a few criteria for Australian PR points, about which you need to know in detail. Explained below are the Australia PR requirements from which you can take reference to determine whether you are eligible for an Australian PR and to do the needful in case you are not.


If you are aged between 25 to 32 years, you will gain a maximum of 30 points. Additionally, you should not be more than 45 years old to apply for an Australian PR.


Maximum Points 









2.English Language Skills

If you score 8 in IELTS, you will gain a maximum of 20 points. Additionally, the Australian government accepts only standardised English proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, etc.

IELTS Score 

Maximum Points

8 and above






If you have work experience of at least eight years in the last 10 years, you will get 15 points. Additionally, you will get 20 points if you have job experience of at least eight years in the last 10 years in Australia. Fewer years of experience will give you fewer points.

Work Experience Outside Australia

No. of Years

Maximum Point

8+ years


5-7 years


3-4 years


Work Experience in Australia

No. of Years

Maximum Point

8+ years


5-7 years


3-4 years


1-2 years


4.Educational Qualification

The PR points in Australia for educational qualification are given based on the level of education. A Doctorate degree from a university in Australia or elsewhere (provided it is recognised by the Australian government) will give you higher credit.

Level of Education

Maximum Point



Bachelor’s or Master’s


Diploma or Trade Qualifications from Australia


Awards/Qualifications recognised by the relevant authorities for your nominated skill occupation


Specialised Education Qualification


Niche Skills


5.Specialist Educational Qualification

You can pursue specialist education like a Master's by Research program from a recognised Australian institution.

Name of Program

Maximum Points

A Master’s by research degree or a Doctorate from an Australian institution that includes 2 academic years of study in a  relevant field


6.Australian Study Requirement

You will get PR points in Australia if you satisfy the Australian study requirement. This can be achieved by completing a CRICOS-registered course in the country. CRICOS stands for Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

Name of Course

Maximum Point

Completion of a CRICOS-registered course for 2 years in Australia


7.Professional Year in Australia

In the last 4 years, you must have worked for 12 successive months in a nominated occupation or a closely related one in Australia.

No. of Years

Maximum Points

Completion of a professional year in Australia


8.Credentialed Community Language

The National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) conducts a test for fluency in languages spoken by international communities living in Australia. If you take the test for one of the listed 48 languages and qualify, you will be awarded 5 points.

Name of Test

Maximum Points

You have cleared NAATI’s Credentialed Community Language at the paraprofessional level or above


9.Study in Regional Australia

If you obtain a qualification from an institution in Regional Australia by living and studying in the region, you get five PR points in Australia.

Level of Study

Maximum Points

Completed at least one Diploma, Degree or Trade Qualification from an institution in Regional Australia


10.Partner Skills

You will get PR points based on your partner's nationality, competency in the English language, etc.


Maximum Point

You are single or your partner is an Australian citizen or an Australian PR holder


Your partner is competent in English and has a positive skill assessment for a nominated skilled occupation which is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation


Your partner has competent English and is not an Australian citizen or an Australian PR Holder


11.Nomination or Sponsorship

You will get PR points if you are nominated by the Australian State or Territory.


Maximum Point

You are nominated by a state or territory government (Subclass 190)


You are nominated by a state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible relative  (Subclass 491)


If you are interested in obtaining PR in Australia, calculate your PR points using the information given above. A total score of 90 is good and advisable to obtain. If you fall short of a good score and want to improve it, you can seek our support in finding the best ways to accumulate PR points. Based on your background, our expert consultants can suggest study options through which you can acquire the required skills, PR points and better career opportunities in Australia. We hope that you gathered all the necessary information related to the PR point system in Australia 2023-2024. If you have any further doubts, do not hesitate to contact AECC for FREE assistance!


How to get a PR in Australia?

You will get a PR in Australia if you satisfy the necessary criteria and gain the required PR points.

How do I calculate my PR points for Australia?

We have given the Australia PR requirements above, which you can refer to and calculate your rough PR points.

What is the Skilled Independent 189 visa, and how does it relate to PR points?

The Skilled Independent visa invites skilled professionals to live and work in Australia permanently. You will get PR points as this is a points-tested stream.

Can I improve my PR points after submission?

It might be difficult to improve your PR points after submission.

What is the age limit for Permanent Residency in Australia?

The maximum age limit for Permanent Residency in Australia is 45 years.

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