What Makes Australia a Great Study-Abroad Destination?

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Australia is widely regarded as one of the world's safest nations to live and study in. While it is up to you to choose a study-abroad destination according to your goals, budget, and other factors, Australia makes a strong case for itself. A bunch of world-renowned universities, great weather, and easy immigration rules are among the factors that make Australia a popular study destination. Read on for broader explanations about why Australia is better than other countries as a study destination and a lot more. 


Why Study in Australia?

World-Class Educational Institutions

Public universities in Australia are renowned for their quality of education, especially in courses that focus on hands-on learning rather than just theoretical knowledge. Many Australian universities also focus more on employability as they design their learning models to help students become job-ready immediately after graduation. They focus on how to support learners to diversify their learning modes to ensure better employability for students.

Top Student Cities

Australia has several student-friendly cities. Sydney and Melbourne, especially, rank consistently among the world's best student cities. For instance, Sydney and Melbourne come in the top ten category of the 2023 QS Best Student Cities. A company that analyses higher education providers, Quacquarelli Symonds ranks the cities based on student desirability, diversity, affordability, employment opportunities, safety, and other ranking indicators. Therefore, getting into the top ten list is a big deal for student cities.

Employment Visa Extension

The Australian government increased the duration of stay for temporary graduate (Subclass 485) visa holders from 2 to 3 years for master's by coursework degrees, the same as for master's by research programs. This is good news for all international students who seek to do their postgraduate studies from 2022 onwards.

Employment Opportunities

When it comes to employment, Australia is a land of opportunity for international students. This is evident from the 2021 Graduate Outcomes Survey results, which saw an improvement in the permanent employment rate for university graduates from 68.7% to 68.9%. The survey involves a sample size of more than 120,000 graduates. This improvement is partly due to the recognition of the connection between the quality of education and graduate employability in Australia and the part that graduates can play in the national economy.

Cultural Diversity

There is a cultural heterogeneity in Australia that values the variety of social and cultural factors that overseas students usually bring to Australian university campuses. Australia is one among the world's most culturally diverse nations, accommodating students from more than 200 countries. It is a nation that also invites international students to not only bring their culture and values but also form an environment ideal for learning and growing. Read on for more factors that explain why Australia is better than other countries in the form of a study destination.

Availability and Range of Accommodation Options

There is an array of Australia student accommodation options for foreign nationals to pick from, including hostels, homestays, rental buildings, guest houses, and on-campus accommodation. While on-campus housing options are available in Australia, a vast majority of students at Australian universities choose their off-campus counterparts due to their affordability. Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne are the best-known destinations for international students since these areas offer a diverse variety of employment opportunities and accommodation.

Financial Assistance

Study fees can be a cause of concern for international students, so the Australian government awards a large amount of money for them to study at Australian higher education institutes. There are various financial alternatives for students who are keen on pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate qualifications at those universities. Besides, there are student exchange program-related scholarships for foreign nationals studying in Australia.


Australia has an egalitarian and inclusive society where everyone upholds the values of the nation to maintain a continuously high standard of living. Australia is one among the most student-friendly and welcoming nations in the world. Several international students come to Australia for its brilliant beaches, picturesque scenery, vibrant cities, and more. 

What Can You Study in Australia?

A vast majority of students pursue degrees in engineering, earth sciences, tech-related fields, computer science, medical sciences, business and management, nursing, tourism and hospitality management, and accounting and finance to name a few. Seven universities in Australia are featured in the 2023 QS top 100 rankings, which adds to the increasing demand for quality education.

Popular Courses Among International Students in Australia

If you wish to become a permanent resident after graduation, your odds would be higher with an in-demand qualification. Pursuing any of the following in-demand courses will certainly increase your odds.


A degree in accounting opens up various options in terms of further education and employment. For instance, you can pick from career paths like Accountant, Credit Manager, Financial Analyst, Payroll Manager, Investment Manager, and Trust Manager. From an Australian immigration point of view, there are many in-demand roles related to accounting being featured on the Skilled Occupation List. 

Best Universities for Accounting Education in Australia 

    University Name

Main Courses

Global Rank As Per 2022 QS World University Rankings by Subject ‘Accounting and Finance’

The University of Melbourne

  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Master of Management (Accounting)


Monash University

  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Master of Accounting


The Australian National University

  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Master of Accounting
  • Master of Applied Accounting


The University of Queensland

  • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting
  • Master of Commerce majoring in Accounting


The University of Technology Sydney

  • Bachelor of Business with Accounting as a major specialisation
  • Master of Professional Accounting



Residential and commercial architecture is an in-demand career option in Australia. After graduating in Architecture, you can pick from career paths like Architect, 3D Visualiser, Architectural Model Specialist, Design Consultant, and Landscape Architect. Some of these positions are also in the Skilled Occupation List in Australia.

Environmental needs continue to have an effect on the architecture industry. It is important to design energy-efficient residential and commercial spaces with as minimal effect on landscapes as possible. 

 Best Universities for Architecture Education in Australia

  University Name

      Main Courses

Global Rank As Per 2022 QS World University Rankings by Subject ‘Architecture and Built Environment’

The University of Melbourne

  • Bachelor of Design

  • Master of Architecture


The University of Sydney

  • Bachelor of Architecture and Environments (Honours)

  • Master of Heritage Conservation


RMIT University

  • Bachelor of Architectural Design

  • Master of Architecture


The University of New South Wales

  • Bachelor of Interior Architecture

  • Bachelor of Architectural Studies

  • Master of Architecture


Curtin University

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science)

  • Master of Architecture

51 to 100

Actuarial Science 

The field of actuarial science is all about finding out monetary risk through business knowledge, statistics, and profitability. It is a field where risks in finance, insurance and other segments are assessed. The word actuary refers to a person who completes a degree in actuarial science and one of the positions on the Skilled Occupation List. Studying actuarial science will allow you to become a Risk Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Scientist, or Investment Analyst.

Best Universities for Actuarial Science Education in Australia  

 University Name

      Main Courses

Global Rank As Per 2022 QS World University Rankings by Subject ‘Statistics and Operational Research’

Monash University

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Science
  • Master of Actuarial Studies

51 to 100

The Australian National University

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Master of Actuarial Studies

51 to 100

The University of Melbourne

  • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Actuarial Studies
  • Master of Commerce (Actuarial Science)

51 to 100

The University of New South Wales

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Master of Actuarial Studies

51 to 100

If you study about the human mind and behaviour, you could pick from many different career paths because psychology is a broad field. Clinical Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, Industrial and Organisational Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist, and Sports Psychologist are some of the career options. A higher-level qualification, such as a Master's Degree or PhD in psychology, is a must to be a licensed practising psychologist in Australia.

Best Universities for Psychology Education in Australia  

    University Name

      Main Courses

Global Rank As Per 2022 QS World University Rankings by Subject ‘Psychology’

The University of Melbourne

  • Master of Educational Psychology
  • Master of Applied Positive Psychology


The University of New South Wales

  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Master of Psychology (Clinical)


The University of Sydney

  • Graduate Diploma in Brain and Mind Sciences
  • Graduate Certificate in Brain and Mind Sciences


The University of Queensland

  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
  • Master of Clinical Psychology


The Australian National University

  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Master of Clinical Psychology


Computer Science and Information Technology 

Computer Science engineering professionals and software engineers are highly sought after in Australia as well. People in the IT field have massive growth potential thanks to the expansion of artificial intelligence. Majoring in areas like machine learning and data management can pave the way for great careers as well. Moreover, after studying a computer science course, you can pick from career paths like Web Developer, Software Engineer, Database Analyst, Cybersecurity Analyst, and Java Programmer.

Best Universities for IT Education in Australia  

       University Name

        Main Courses

Global Rank As Per 2022 QS World University Rankings by Subject ‘Computer Science and Information Systems’

The University of Melbourne

  • Master of Information Technology
  • Master of Computer Science


The University of New South Wales

  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
  • Master of Information Technology


The University of Sydney

  • Bachelor of Advanced Computing majoring in Health
  • Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Management


Monash University

  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Master of Information Technology


University of Technology Sydney

  • Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)
  • Master of Information Technology (advanced)


Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne are some of the best cities for education in Australia. That said, everyone has a reason to study overseas, including the opportunity to experience a new life while studying at their dream university. This is to say, it is up to you to decide where to study in Australia to realise your dream. If you have a particular university in mind and require guidance in proceeding with it, speak to our counsellors to get help in carving out the right path to your goals. It always pays to whittle down your options with regard to location and qualifications with the assistance of a counsellor.

On a related note, the Australian government offers post-study work rights (PSWR) for as many as six years now, but the length of PSWR changes according to region and qualification.

How Much Does it Cost to Study in Australia?

Tuition fees vary depending on the location and qualification you have in mind. Do you intend to pursue a Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral qualification? If it is a Bachelor's qualification, you would have to spend anywhere between $20,000 and $45,000 in the way of annual tuition fees. A Master's degree or a doctoral study in the country generally costs between $22,000 and $50,000 annually. Higher-value qualifications like veterinary or medical degrees can cost a lot more than the aforementioned, though.

Scholarships in Australia for International Students

You have several ways of balancing living expenses and tuition costs in Australia, including scholarships. The Australian government spends more than $300 million annually to make scholarships available to international students. As an international student, you have many options in the form of scholarships to study in Australia, including the ones that will cover as much as 100% of your tuition fee. Scholarships continue to be the best possible way of financing your education in Australia.

How to Prepare for Your Education in Australia

First, you have to decide on the choice of course, university, residence and so forth as part of the preparation. Then, you must prepare to apply for an Australian student visa. A part of this process is getting all the required documents in order, including your Year 12 certificate, the document proving your proficiency in English, and the Proof of Funds (POF).

English is the first language in Australia, so before coming here, you must undertake a government-approved test to prove your proficiency in it. A particular English score is set as an entry criterion for every study level/program in Australia. The test score is important during the process of filing for a student visa as well.

You must know the latest documentation requirements and start to collate the documents before your visa and university application deadlines. You may seek the help of our migration experts if you feel overwhelmed or confused at any stage of the visa application process.

Australian Student Visa

You can stay, study, and work as a part-time employee when on a student visa in Australia. Part-time employment is a big part of the education experience in Australia. There is traditionally a 40-hour-per-fortnight limit for international students at the time when classes are in session. This means that foreign nationals can work on a part-time basis for 40 hours per fortnight besides their studies when on a student visa. The Australian government approved a recent proposal to extend the Australian student visa working hours to over 40 hours until further notice.

As an international student, you can easily get a part-time job in retail, teaching or another sector associated with your discipline. Good command of Australian English will simplify getting part-time employment in Australia. There are also divisions in several Australian universities that help international students with their search for part-time employment.

Insurance in Australia

As an international student, you must get an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and maintain it for as long as you stay in Australia. OSHC will cover the expenses related to your hospital treatment to an extent, visits to a general practitioner, ambulance use, and a limited number of medicines. For more information about insurance for international students in Australia, feel free to contact our education counsellors and migration agents at any time! 

Frequently Asked Questions About Education in Australia 

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