5 Myths You Might Believe About Student Visa Document Requirements

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Students Visa Document Requirements Misconceptions

If you've got other friends who are international students from different countries, you might have wondered why their documentary requirements for visa application might be different from yours. Not many people question the documentary requirements, but not a lot of people understand how they are determined either.

So here are some related myths about the document requirements, Country Risk Levels and streamlined applications to help you understand how everything works.

Myth 1: Everyone is asked for the same documents for Visa application.

Unfortunately for others, the documentary requirements you need to submit vary student to student. There are two factors that contribute to whether Immigration asks you for more documents; one of them is your country of Passport and the other is the Provider you are enrolling with. 

Myth 2: Your Country Risk Level is the only thing Immigration looks at when determining what documents you need.

Immigration looks at two factors when determining the requirements that are needed to process your visa. One is the Country Risk Level, the other is the Risk Level of the Provider. This is called the Simplified Student Visa Framework. Both countries and education providers are given a level from 1-3 to determine their Immigration risk, 1 having the least risk, 3 having the most. If the total combined level of your education provider and country totals 4 or lower, your application will be streamlined. If it is higher, you have to go through the regular application process. Applications that are streamlined have fewer documentary requirements than regular applications. They are not required to show Evidence of Financial Capacity nor Evidence of English language ability.
To give an example, the application of a Student from a Level 2 country enrolling with a Level 2 Provider would be streamlined, but if a different Student from a Level 3 country enrols to the same Level 2 Provider, they would go through the regular application process. 

Myth 3: The School & Country risk ratings take a very long time to update.

While a lot of ratings may stay the same for long periods of time, the Immigration actually updates their ratings regularly. In fact, it is updated at the end of March & September every year. However, these ratings are not publicly available.

In general, most education providers fall under level 2. 

Myth 4: There's no way to know whether your application will be regular or streamlined

While it is true that none of the ratings are made public, there is a handy document checklist provided that can allow you to check what documents you will be asked based on your country and education provider.

The checklist doesn't explicitly say if your application would be streamlined or regular, but it does tell you whether you will have to show Evidence of Financial Capacity or Evidence of English language ability to apply. 

Myth 5: If your application is Streamlined, you will NEVER need to submit financial documents.

Hopefully, now that you understand more about the Simplified Student Visa Framework & Country Levels, you should be better equipped to understand what goes into your application. Should you have more specific questions or would like any more help with your applications, our team of experienced Consultants here at AECC Global are more than happy to give you a hand. Hopefully, now that you understand more about the Simplified Student Visa Framework & Country Levels, you should be better equipped to understand what goes into your application.Should you have more specific questions or would like any more help with your applications, our team of experienced Consultants here at AECC Global are more than happy to give you a hand.

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