Should You Apply for a 485 Visa or Another Student Visa?

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485 Visa After the Completion of the Course?

After finishing your course, many international students contemplate whether or not they should apply for a 485 Visa, or if it’s better for them to pursue further studies.

While it’s always better to consult with an experienced Education Consultant on whether or not further studies will get you further closer to your goals, here are some important things to take into consideration when making a decision.

Meet the Study Requirement

Often, students may be confused if they meet the study requirements for applying for a 485 Visa. While the Australian Government lists these requirements in detail on their website, there might be some other factors that students don’t take into consideration.

This sometimes happens when students have overseas credits applied to their course, as there are a set number of hours you need to have spent on each unit. Or it also might occur when changes are made to the skilled occupation list affecting your course.

Because Migration requirements are always subject to change, it’s always very helpful to see a Migration Agent to get the most up to date information.

There is an English Requirement

For you to apply for a 485 visa, you will be asked to present documents showing you have an IELTS overall score of at least 6 with a minimum a score of 5, or equivalent. If you don’t meet this, you might consider taking an English course to help achieve the appropriate score.

Different levels of Study have different streams

Depending on what you had studied, that would put you under one of two streams after meeting the requirements: Graduate Work Stream or the Post-Study Work Stream. The two streams have different durations for how long the visa will allow you to stay.

Some students might qualify for a Graduate Work Stream, but instead, choose to keep studying to qualify for the Post-Study Work Stream.

You might need more time to gain experience

In a Graduate Work Stream, you will need the relevant skill assessment to show that you meet the standards that Migration has put in place for applying for the 485 visa. Sometimes, you may also need relevant work experience that you wouldn’t have been able to get previously.

Without a positive skills assessment, applying for a 485 visa will likely lead to rejection.

That is why it is important to decide which stream you’re aiming for because…

You will only be granted a 485 Visa once

As the main Visa holder, once you’re granted a 485 Visa, you won’t be able to apply for once again (unless as a dependent). Because of this, many students are very cautious as to when they apply, in relation to their long-term plans here in Australia.

Can I apply for 485 visa twice?

The Graduate temporary subclass 485 visa in essence as mentioned  above is the ideal way to prolong your stay in Australia after completion of your degree program or your studies in general. It is also viewed as the initial medium towards your permanent residency in the country is used sensibly. This particular visa has many vital features which need to reviewed before applying for it else it could be a wasted opportunity. Having said that one of the features of the 485 visa that you may need to pay heed to is that you are not eligible to apply for it the second time in case you already have been granted the visa once.

However if the first time your visa was rejected you could apply for it the second time with no fixed reapplication period unless mentioned. You could reapply anytime. Ensure that your second time reapplication is furnished with additional information if it was is not chances of rejection for the same reasons as the first time are highly probable.

Can I apply for student visa after 485?

 In order to apply for 485 Australian Visa you must have an eligible visa in hand additionally if you are an international student in Australia a bare minimum of two years of study program from Australia is a pre requisite. To summarize in order to apply for 485 visa you must have suitable and legitimate visa else you may not be able to apply for the same. This temporary visa (485) could be your pathway for your PR in Australia as it allows you to live in the country for about 4 years of course based on your work sincerity and performance

Additionally to apply for Temporary Graduate Subclass 485 visa you must apply within six months of your course completion. International students customarily apply between the date of completion of their course and the expiration of their student visa.

Can I apply for 485 visa offshore?

If you are the main applicant you cannot apply for the Temporary Graduate Visa 485 offshore. Only a dependent applicant can exercise this possibility provided the main applicant has been granted this 485 visa.

Are you contemplating whether to apply for 485 Visa? Contact us today and get connected with one of our experienced Education Consultants and Migration Agents who can help you with your next steps!

Click for More Info: Which Australia Visa is Right for International Students?

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