Study Education Course: Structure, Eligibility, Exams
Kick-start your Career and get on the Pathway to PR!
Kick-start your Career and get on the Pathway to PR!

Turn your Study Abroad Dream to Degrees Abroad



Does teaching make you tick?

There are a bunch of great universities in Australia which are effective in carrying out good academic and valuable teacher’s training for all those who aspire to take up teaching as their career and feel that education is the study area that they are passionate about. Education and Teaching is more than just theoretical knowledge it is also about developing professional skills and hands-on experience. Graduates of degree programs fit well into teaching roles right after completion of their degree. Running a class along with developing and delivering lessons is all a part of this profession. There is a steady demand for this profession. It is a challenging yet rewarding profession. Educators and teachers have a considerable amount of responsibility which the job brings along with them. Working with children, adolescents and young adults is the central focus of teachers. Needless to say, the methodology and skills employed towards each of these clusters are going to be very different from each other.

Turn your Study Abroad Dream to Degrees Abroad


There are various roles that professionals with a degree in education can aspire for. These need not be only classroom teaching. They can get eventually into bigger roles later as principals, professors, visiting faculty, university lecturer and so on. Education professionals can also work for certain specialized populations if they are inclined that way. These would need special degrees in the said discipline. They are:

Teaching as a profession Degree in Education is for those who are passionate about this profession and always have the urge to spread knowledge across age groups. Irrespective of the branch of education students opt for and good teachers, ones who can think on their feet, have excellent communications skills, is a good listener, have knowledge and passion for the discipline, have a bonding and connectivity with students, accessible to students and to top it all have great organizational skills and superior work ethics. Good teaching skills are acquired over time for some while it comes naturally to others. There are those who have to work overtime to achieve a status of a good teacher. However eventually the payoff is huge and not only is the job rewarding monetarily but it is also gratifying mentally. Teaching career in Australia is booming. Teachers now earn a median salary of $56,000 compared to graduates with $51000 from other non-technical field. Australia has also a lot of funding coming through into the education sector and is slated to grow exponentially in the coming years. Ask for a free consultation today and speak with our friendly consultants about your education, career and PR pathways.

How can AECC help international students?

At AECC, we have been dedicated to making international education accessible to students like you since 2008. With a global presence in 15 countries, we are uniquely positioned to help you find the best courses that align with your interests and aptitude.

Our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through every step of the admission process, from identifying your education and career goals to applying for the course and institution of your choice. With firsthand experience in international education and a network of over 500 top universities and institutes offering courses in a wide range of subjects, we are well-equipped to help you find the right fit.

Plus, we can help offset the cost of your education through scholarships and many universities offer waived application fees when you apply through us. Don't hesitate to reach out to our qualified team of experts for personalized guidance.

PR Pathway Business Analytics and ICT graduates have big demand in Australia and provide a pathway to PR in Australia. Business analysts are required to cope with the growing need of the industries and the economy at large. This profession figures in Australia’s Skilled Occupational List (SOL). 

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